Curriculum Info-

  • The Purpose of the Program is to provide students with ocean safety fundamentals through a fun, challenging and enriching curriculum taught by experienced professional lifeguards. The program is designed for students to grow in their ocean knowledge and skill and work their way up through the program to successively complete more challenging and engaging activities.

  • Age Groups and Levels-
    • Students are first organized by age and then grouped based on an objective and subjective criteria including:
      • Prior experience in OCJG
      • Instructor to Student Ratios (20:1)
      • Instructor Evaluations
    • The goal is to group students with similar ages and ability levels to provide the most productive, fun and challenging activities

  • The Core Themes of the Curriculum are carried throughout each week of the program and include:
    • Warm Up and Stretching
    • Ocean and Surf Swimming
    • Surf Zone Entry and Exit
    • Navigating Rip and Long Shore Currents
    • Beach Running
    • Paddling Skills
    • First Aid Skills
    • Ocean Rescue Skills
    • Lifeguard Competition
    • Sun Protection
    • Ocean Environment and Wildlife
    • Lifeguard and EMS Operations

  • Ocean Conditions- Activities will vary day to day, week to week. Surf and weather forecasts are monitored daily and activities will be planned around conditions to ensure safety and maximum learning opportunities. WE CANNOT CONTROL MOTHER NATURE, but we can be flexible and take advantage of all the learning opportunities she gives us.

  • Weekly Junior Lifeguard Competitions- Fun competitive events will be held each week of the program providing students of all ages a chance to test the skills they have acquired.
    • Waterman/woman competitive event involving a combination of swimming, running and paddling.
    • All age groups will have the opportunity to compete
    • Event day(s), times and course layout may vary depending on Ocean Conditions

  • Orca Group Tryouts- Held at the beginning of each week, 11-15 year old students may tryout to become an Orca. The Orca group offers a more challenging curriculum that prepares students for the Assistant Position and hones their skills in the ocean environment.
    • Candidates must complete tryouts to be selected for the group and are strongly encouraged to sign up for two-week increments to have the best experience with the activities and competitions.
    • Space is limited and not all tryout candidates are guaranteed to be selected for the Orca Group.
  • Orca Curriculum-
    • Advanced aquatic events and challenges
    • Lifeguard Competitions
    • Day trips exploring the coast by foot, paddleboard and swimming. Events will be scheduled according to ocean conditions and competition scheduling.
    • Working alongside a professional lifeguard in the lifeguard tower to gain hands-on experience.
  • Qualify to be an OCJG Assistant-
    • Orcas are evaluated and have the opportunity to be selected for the OCJG Assistant Position. This is a volunteer position that is assigned to work with an OCJG Instructor to provide safety and support during JG activities.
    • Oras must complete a minimum of 2 consecutive weeks to be evaluated and considered for the Assistant Position.
    • Please email for information about the OCJG Assistant Program